Sacred PDFs: Collect Them All!

It's time to assemble your operations manual. These sacred portable document formats (PDFs), made by representatives from Art Beacon and PS1, are collectable pieces of art! View them (click the link underneath each image below), and save a copy for yourself. Pass one along in an email, or print them all out.

Rachel Buse is an artist and arts organizer currently based in Des Moines, Iowa. Art Beacon was established in 2012. It began as a blog about local art in central Iowa. Now it exists as a digital residency on instagram for Midwest-connected artists to share their work. Follow @artbeacondsm and discover artists in the Midwest. Other projects to follow: @portraitstudio @seesawdraw @artweekdsm @laze_tornado.

Cat Rocketship, a queer nonbinary artist based in Des Moines, Iowa, is known for their compelling works that delve into the interconnection between humans and the natural world. They use a variety of media, including watercolor, spray paint, and digital tools to create art that explores themes of queerness, death, and the inherent connections between all living beings. Cat's projects range from murals and book covers to illustrations and stickers. Their art is not only visually striking but also aims to provoke thought and foster community by highlighting the beauty of diversity and the importance of collective action. Cat's creative process is deeply influenced by their background in activism and their passion for nature. They often use their art as a tool for political and social agitation, with pieces like the "Fuck Shit Up" and "Solidarity Not Charity" stickers, promoting messages of resistance and mutual aid. Their work has been showcased in various public and private spaces, including collaborations with organizations such as Capital City Pride and the City of West Des Moines. Through their art, Cat Rocketship continues to inspire and engage audiences, encouraging them to see themselves as integral parts of a larger, interconnected world.

Jon Pearson is an interdisciplinary artist living and creating in Fairfield, Iowa. This artist loves to drink (think) water.

Tiffany Sinnott is a mixed media, artist and animator. She operates under the assumption that we are living in a multiverse and this is but one of many channels. Her body is a spaceship, and she is reclaiming its experiences. Sometimes I use my body, sometimes I use installation, sometimes I use imagery. Sometimes I use parts of me to show the future. Sometimes I am processing the past. Most of the time, I am exploring the present.

Warm Gospel (Trey Reis) is a music label based out of Des Moines, IA that focuses on physical releases of music rooted in electronic experimentation.

John Engelbrecht & Rachel Buse

John Engelbrecht is an artist, arts organizer, educator, and the Executive Director of Public Space One (PS1). Since joining PS1 in 2009, he has steadily built the beloved regional arts institution operating locally as Iowa City’s arts hub through securing national recognition (in grants, awards, and accolades in the contemporary arts field), thanks to its innovative programming (residencies, performances, exhibitions, and public projects) and wide-ranging artist network. Under his tenure, the organization has grown from its DIY/DIT roots to owning, occupying, and programming three historic buildings in downtown Iowa City and operating major projects including the Iowa City Press Co-op, the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, the Media Arts Co-op, and the Iowa contingent of MdW. He also teaches art in Iowa City, IA and Shanghai, China.

Rachel Buse is an artist and arts organizer currently based in Des Moines, Iowa. Art Beacon was established in 2012. It began as a blog about local art in central Iowa. Now it exists as a digital residency on instagram for Midwest-connected artists to share their work. Follow @artbeacondsm and discover artists in the Midwest. Other projects to follow: @portraitstudio @seesawdraw @artweekdsm @laze_tornado.


More Sacred PDFs!


Operations Manual: a (good old) Manifesto