The MdW Atlas is a daily online publication where editorial partners from each state commission contributions of stories, artwork, media, and other genres. The Atlas Editor is Mairead Case.

New articles are below (keep scrolling!), and you can click these links to filter articles by state and editor.

Illinois Editors, selected by Public Media Institute:
Tempestt Hazel, Nance Klehm, Kristi McGuire

Michigan Editors, selected by Bulk Space:
Talking Dolls, Ashley Cook

Indiana Editors, selected by Big Car:
Jim Walker, Brett Bloom

Missouri Editors, selected by Charlotte Street Foundation:
Kimi Kitada, Stephanie Koch

Iowa Editors, selected by PS1:
John Engelbrecht & Kalmia Strong, Cameron Gray

Minnesota Editors, selected by Confluence Studio:
Sam Gould, Duaba Unenra, John Kim

Wisconsin Editors, selected by Wormfarm Institute:
Curt Meine, Dan S. Wang

In total, the MdW Atlas will comprise over 60 contributions to serve as a guide for a wide swath of creative activity and art work across the region. These contributions will be compiled into a book and released after the Fair.

If you have questions or need paper copies, large print, translations, or alt text, email Mairead: @ gmail